The #1 Platform For Muslim Entrepreneurs to

Earn a Halal Income
Achieve Financial Freedom
Be Exceptional

Increase your Income the Halal Way!

93% Success Rate

685 Fully Trained Marketers

32k+ Total Students!

Free Training

The world's First Halal Free Training that has helped more than 27,260 People Earn an Income with No Experience & no Investment!


Six week Agency
Complete Social Media Marketing Course

Get access to the full smma course including scripts, templates, & copy and paste methods to earn a six figure income + 1-1 Mentorship!

Halal Guide to Financial Freedom
The Halal Guide To Financial Freedom

Covering Everything You Need to become an Entrepreneur & Start a Business Today

Halal Entrepreneur Portal
Halal Entrepreneur Portal

The Resource platform for financial freedom + Exclusive Telegram Group + Extra content for the book!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's Some of the questions we get asked the most.

We are the largest online education platform for Muslim entrepreneurs who want financial freedom.

Our mission is simple, we want every Muslim, young or old, to have the opportunity to learn how they can earn a halal income from home.

The costs for our products varies.

We have a completely free training that thousands of people have used to earn up to six figures, without any investment needed.

We have a book (The Halal Guide To Financial Freedom) that can teach you 40 business models you can start TODAY - for less than £40 for the book.

We have the Halal Entrepreneur Portal that is less than £100.

We have the Complete Social media Marketing Course + mentorship that is £550.

And we have our complete done-for-you e-commerce and SMMA programmes that are upwards of £3000.

Earn a Halal Income With No Experience and No Investment!

السلام عليكم

Since the start of the corona virus pandemic, it’s been our mission to ensure that every young muslim has the opportunity to start their own business and be financially free if they want to.

About 2 years ago, during Covid, I put a Q&A on my IG story and asked, "What is your biggest worry today?"

And the responses shocked me!
But there was one that struck me the hardest....

"A family member passed away due to Covid 19, and we can't afford to pay for the Janaazah (burial).”

I did what I could to help him, but it made me realise that its my responsibility Islamically to help people who are struggling.

And so I created Halal Online Income to ensure that every young muslim has the opportunity to achieve financial freedom.

Adam Munir, Founder

Join the halal income telegram channel for FREE TRAININGS, GIVEAWAYS, ANNOUNCEMENTS & INCOME IDEAS

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Halal Online Income Trustpilot
Halal Online Income Trustpilot
Halal Online Income Trustpilot
Halal Online Income Trustpilot
Halal Online Income Trustpilot